Our chickens are on YouTube now:
I’m pretty sure this is the Web 2.0 version of “pictures of my cat”.
Our chickens are on YouTube now:
I’m pretty sure this is the Web 2.0 version of “pictures of my cat”.
As a test of video embedding, a time lapse animation of 24 hours in the chicken box:
[flashvideo filename=”http://www.houseofcranks.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/20080525.flv” /]
Looks like (after switching to a better flvplayer plugin) it works. Hooray!
If I’ve done this right, clicking on any of those images should get you a shadowbox slide show. (Looks like it worked. Now I just have to get the admin interface to flickr photo insertion cleaned up a bit. I’ve modified WP-Flickr to work with Shadowbox JS and Mbedr.)
Also, those are the chickens at five days old.
The chicks are about five days old now. They’re developing quickly. Each of them can stand on one leg without falling over, and they all run very speedily now. If you put your hand in the box, they run over to investigate; and if you reach in with a piece of paper toweling, the Delaware or Welsummer chick might play tug-of-war with it. (The Orpington chick is steady and not very curious.) Their calls are changing, too — not so much “eepeeepeeep!”, more whistling, soft tweeting, and trilling. One call sounds to me a lot like the old Macintosh “water drop” sound.
The Delaware seems to be prone to paste-up. Wouldn’t you know that’s the same chick that really hates to be picked up? Oh well, chick, too bad for you.
I just got a notice that the domain registration is coming due on houseofcranks, which means it’s been almost a year and we haven’t done anything with it. With all the happenings here at the House of Cranks this year, it may be time to remedy that. So I wiped and reinstalled WordPress. I’m still working out what plugins/themes I want, but here’s a running summary as I go along:
To do:
To do: