All posts by Josh

Chicken tractor

Yesterday after work (plus a bit today after I found the tin snips so I could cut the chicken wire) I built a small chicken tractor so we could introduce the chickens to the outside world. I probably should have put some more thought into the design—doors on both ends might be nice, for example—but it worked out ok, and it’ll be easy to take apart later if we decide we want something better. This isn’t going to be their permanent home, in any case; we’ve got a real coop with an enclosed yard for that. This is just so we can take them into the front yard if we want. And so we could take them out of their box in Cam’s office and into the outside world for the first time today.

They’re about five weeks old now, and they’ve got enough insulation that they shouldn’t be too bothered by a breeze. Plus, it was a gorgeous day. So I went up to the neighborhood vet and picked up a cardboard pet carrier to transport them out of the house and into the tractor, one at a time. They were freaked out by the change for a few minutes, but got used to it fairly quickly and started scratching around and eating the clover. Cam fed them some rose petals, which they had fun with, grabbing one and then running away so nobody else could take it from them while they figured out how to eat it.

Getting them back into the house could have been tricky. We don’t have a fishing net or anything to catch them with if they escape, and the tractor is long enough that we can’t just reach in and grab them if they don’t cooperate. Luckily, this time when we opened the door they came over and let us pick them up and put them back in the carrier. Cam had enlisted one of our neighbors to help if we couldn’t wrangle them back inside, but we ended up not needing to call him. This time.

As usual, there are some photos:

DSC03369 DSC03361 DSC03355 DSC03348

Video test

As a test of video embedding, a time lapse animation of 24 hours in the chicken box:

[flashvideo filename=”” /]

Looks like (after switching to a better flvplayer plugin) it works. Hooray!

Site to-do list

I just got a notice that the domain registration is coming due on houseofcranks, which means it’s been almost a year and we haven’t done anything with it. With all the happenings here at the House of Cranks this year, it may be time to remedy that. So I wiped and reinstalled WordPress. I’m still working out what plugins/themes I want, but here’s a running summary as I go along:


  • Star Ratings – lets us add ratings, like this:
  • Gravatars2 – gives us user avatars in the comments
  • WordPress Flickr Manager – easy integration with Flickr
    Although I’m not sure how it’s going to work when both Cam and I have Flickr accounts. Maybe we’ll have to make a group pool for cranks stuff.

To do:

  • Cross-posting. It’d be nice to either syndicate posts from sculpin and elsewhere or cross-post entries from here to there. There doesn’t appear to be a wp to wp crossposter yet, though. Weird.
  • Mobile/accessible theme
    Installed WordPress Mobile Edition, still have to check accessibility.
  • Comment subscription via email. People actually seem to use it at elsewhere, so… *shrug*
  • sidebar?
  • Paged comments? I don’t know if that’ll be possible with k2, or if it’s even going to be a problem.


To do:

  • Wiki for garden notes?
  • Cookbook?
  • Amazon affiliate thing for crank-powered items?
  • What else?