Meet the chickens!

The chicks are about five days old now. They’re developing quickly.  Each of them can stand on one leg without falling over, and they all run very speedily now. If you put your hand in the box, they run over to investigate; and if you reach in with a piece of paper toweling, the Delaware or Welsummer chick might play tug-of-war with it. (The Orpington chick is steady and not very curious.) Their calls are changing, too — not so much “eepeeepeeep!”, more whistling, soft tweeting, and trilling. One call sounds to me a lot like the old Macintosh “water drop” sound.

The Delaware seems to be prone to paste-up. Wouldn’t you know that’s the same chick that really hates to be picked up? Oh well, chick, too bad for you.

Chick webcam, chick photos

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